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I attended an art therapy workshop demo. The facilitator was trying out a few ideas with me, a friend and a counselor-in-training. The agenda included an art project with crayons and questions concerning our most prominent emotion. I have to say the activity surprised me. Yes my drawing skills have a lot to be desired. But what was surprising was the insight I got.
The feeling I chose was frustration. My little black and blue sketch consisted of a circle with a smiling face and few mountains covered in patterns. Unlike the others in the group, I had no preconceived idea of what frustration looked like. It?s only after studying my perplexing picture that I realized I had drawn the purpose of frustration.?Within the confusing scrawls of my drawing, there was a consistent pattern. I saw that the purpose of frustration was to remove the obstacles that impede our path. In doing so, in letting go of how we think things should be instead of what is we?re more able to find the patterns in our own life. There is a purpose to the frustration you?re feeling, but it takes courage to see it.
I?m not the only one feeling frustrated this week. You?ll read how one blogger?s fed up with insurance companies? disregard and discrimination against mental health coverage. Feeling frustrated yourself? Whether you?re frustrated with your creativity, your inability to turn off your smart phone or overcome challenges, you?ll discover your own way through it with a little insight offered here.
Mental Health Insurance Parity vs Insurance Industry: Who?s Winning?
(Depression On My Mind) ? This will have you shaking your head in disbelief. You?ll ask yourself the following questions: ?Are we that far behind when it comes to mental health insurance? How and why have insurance companies been getting away with unequal, unfair coverage for mental health services?? This post provides some answers.
10 Ways You Can Help Children of Alcoholics
(Addiction Recovery) ? Children of alcoholic share symptoms that can make their life a never-ending struggle. But there are things you can do to help. Read and share this with someone you love.
Creative Thinking: Imagine You Are Seven Again
(The Creative Mind) ? It?s given that we lose some our childlike sensibilities as we age. But what?s less discussed is its repercussions on our creativity. This post looks at some of the creative power and potential of thinking like a child.
Why I Deleted the Apps on My iPhone
(Mindful Parenting) ? Sometimes you don?t realize you have a problem until you see yourself in someone else?s story. This blogger?s confession of being an iPhone addict may reveal you?re own addiction. See what she?s done to prevent further injury to herself and her family.
How Adversity Can Impact Your Success
(Dialectical Behavior Therapy Understood) ? Challenges are a good thing. They help us develop resilience and build our self-confidence. But for children who grew up in emotionally and physically unsafe environments, they can lead to a sense of helplessness. Fortunately, it?s possible to change things for the better. This post explains how.
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Catch up on other posts by Brandi-Ann Uyemura, M.A. (or subscribe to their feed).
????Last reviewed: By John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on 25 Oct 2012
????Published on All rights reserved.
APA Reference
Uyemura, B. (2012). Best of Our Blogs: October 26, 2012. Psych Central. Retrieved on October 26, 2012, from
Fitness personality and cover model, Rob Riches, shares with you some of the best foods to eat to help you build a fitter, stronger, healthier body. When it comes to food, most of us know the type of foods we shouldn?t be eating, but what about the right foods. How many of us know exactly how much of what to be eating when? Throughout this mini-series, Rob will not only show you how to make 6 different meals to be eaten throughout the day to help maintain blood sugar levels and keep the metabolism running high and in a fat burning state, but also how to work out how many calories you should be consuming each day, and how many should be made up from proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Subscribe to Rob?s YouTube channel, and see new video?s as soon as they?re uploaded. All exercises are available on one DVD, and can be purchased at Rob?s online fitness store: For more video?s, photo?s and daily health and fitness tips, follow rob on his social network sites below facebook: The Official Rob Riches Fitness Group
I have to say I?ve been working on this birthday post for far too long, so long actually that had this been a Hallmark card, to be snail-mailed card, the price of stamps would have risen in the nexus. ?I didn?t get it together soon enough to actually be on or around the official date of celebrating. ?Above The Line?s actual birthday was May 18th ? so HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! ?[queue birthday song, hold the lyrics please] Above The Line: Practical Movie Reviews?is very grateful to you, my reader, whether this is your first visit or one of many, blogs are only as successful and dare I say useful as we find them, share them and trust them. ?In the movie business we?re often inundated with salesman at every corner, and awards shows are often no real help in determining what to watch and why. ?At every turn we?re faced with ad campaigns and target assignments with ?best? this and ?award earner? that, the next great thing making room for what is already right in front of us ? yesterdays hits making a slow, sure slide into tomorrow. ?Often blogs fall victim to the push to get it right, to summarize and tidy up short quips about the best and the worst in order to keep us moving to the box office and rental queues for product. ?These days it?s getting harder and harder to cater to the least common denominator ? that is shorter is better when it is shortest ? but truth be known I made that choice some time ago to write what I write and let length be determined by how passionate I am about the film, filmmaker, art and artist. ?I?m not the longest winded blogger out there or the best (ahem, back slapping aside, I do abide) or the most concise but I?m honest and I?m a filmmaker and I offer that to you every time I sit down to a review. ?I?ll keep writing as long as you keep reading. ?Thanks for dropping by, half a slice of virtual birthday cake, leave me a word or two on what you think, I always reply.
If you?re wondering how or why I didn?t post this sooner, well, I didn?t forget so much as I got behind and then stuff happened, like it always does and May turned into July, night for day then September snowballed into the last day of summer and now there are pumpkins everywhere to contend with. ?What started off somewhere around December last year went the way of all good intentions and wayward resolutions, calendar pages turning making you forget more than you can remember. ?Well, lets just say I?ve had a few bumps in the road and all those reasons aside, I?ve got a lot of catching up to do so why not make up a day for your celebrating like Christmas for Halloween, Easter in the Winter, Louis Riel Day?in November,?Dragon Boat Festival?all day in April ? like Above The Line?s May birthday in October. ?Besides, there?s only six months until we do it all again anyway!
It was May 18th, 2010 when I posted my first review of Sin City.? I have no idea why I picked that movie but there it is, my most humble beginnings. ?I also write OP-EDs and editorials, essays on art and film, formal criticism and features on artists I know (like my wife, Melissa) and others, like my friend James and other celebrities, like Tom Hardy and Joan Rivers. ?My bread and butter, so to speak are the reviews which also appear in other forms, formats and publications (thankfully). ?I?ve had some pretty great things happen along the way, joining forces to provide a feature column of sorts for the online entertainment network and portal Actors and Crew, frequent appearances and shared articles for Rodney over at Fernby Films, various publications for Yahoo?s Contributor Network, contributing writer for the national movie news and reviews site, one being earlier this year when Warner Bros. Home Entertainment chose me among the many, many movie bloggers out there to write Blu-ray movie reviews for them. ?Another cool thing happened on August 7th?when I posted Batman: America?s James Bond and reached my 200th blog post. ?You know that feeling you get when you?re sliding down a hillside on a sled made out of a cardboard box and you?re finally going pretty fast and the wind is in your hair and your hearts beating a mile a minute and all you want is for it to last forever and those seconds, those moments of disconnect from the planets gravitational pull give you wings and you?re a kid and you can do anything?writing a blog isn?t anything like that but it?s a whole other kind of fulfillment. ?Writing gives me my every kind of reason to believe in doing it all over again, and again so here we go, lets begin.
I?m not sure what I was thinking when I first cooked this idea up, having no way of knowing exactly how much work was going to be involved. ?I didn?t know what the format was going to be but?I knew I didn?t want to use the gimmicks that are often overused, like stars and thumbs and popcorn tubs. ?I thought the best plan would be to try to look at reviews from the inside out, to capitalize on my experiences as a filmmaker to make reviews more practical, less plot point analysis and more about the experience of the movies. ?I used to think there weren?t that many people doing it until I found lists to the contrary, plenty of people with big ideas and opinions and at first that made me feel like what could I contribute? ?Then I realized there aren?t a lot of filmmakers who write reviews ? thus Above The Line was born. ?Once I got over opening Pandora?s box and accepting the fact there was no way of putting it back, I bit down hard, braced for the inevitable collision, and hung on for dear life! ?I?ve?been stumbling ever since to be quite honest but it?s been truly rewarding (mostly) and almost always (very often) exciting. ?More than anything I want to help people kinda like the way old football greats trade in their helmets and athletic supporters for desks and microphones, sideline quarterbacks and studio commentators. ? A lot of these guys have real staying power because they?ve been down there in the muck and the mire and when they start talking about it, writing about it, explaining it, you want to trust them ? or maybe they just have a funny way of being there again and you can connect in a way that?s different from?other guys who?ve never even walked onto a set, much less been involved in making a movie come to life. ?They say writer?s write and filmmakers make movies and sometimes they blog about the collision of the two.
Two and a half years later, 205 blog entries and counting, some 55,000 visitors pushing 100K with all that other traffic ? I?ve written somewhere around a quarter of a million words for this blog. ?That?s crazy talk ? but here it is ? the good, the bad and the something. ?I?ve written reviews and editorials, covered films, filmmakers and the in between, covered?stand up?comedians, art shows, artists and filmmakers, walked the red carpet and dined al fresco with the Oscars.? Exploring the myths and legends of Hollywood and the immortal movie screens of our lives is as rewarding as it has been daunting, catching up the hiccups and high art of our greatest entertainers and curious spirits.? It takes tens of hundreds of hours to do it all, this, thousands probably and I?ve seen my work picked up by Warner Bros. Entertainment, syndicated for a Los Angeles entertainment network magazine, featured in publications online and in print all over the world from my home in California?s San Francisco Bay Area. ?I?ve?met amazing artists and writers, joined the ranks of bloggers everywhere, finally, after years seeing my poetry and prose published by print markets of small presses and magazines before all this great wide open Internet white space everything. ?Do you remember before the internet? ?Do you remember writing the old-fashioned way? ?Typing? Keyboarding? ?Black type writer ribbon ink and carbon paper crinkly sheets? ?The funny thing is, just when I?m just beginning to break into a stride it seems it all hangs so preciously on going on forever or ending tomorrow. ?But I just keep on keeping on because I need it now more than ever and I gotta keep reaching out into the void to see what I touch and what touches me back.
I hit my busiest day recently, on July 29th with 555 unique visitors to my blog, somewhere between The Dark Knight review, Christopher Nolan Master & Commander of Cinema, and Batman: America?s James Bond I started averaging 300 people a day and it?s been steadily climbing since.? I have big plans and hope to keep all this up but anyone who maintains a regular blog or writes for a living can tell you, it?s all one post away from the next or nothing.? I hit an all time high month in August with 9770 visitors and if all things go well I?ll end this year doubled what I had last year and maintain the momentum of doubling each year and so on and so on until I reach my goal of a world-wide audience.? I keep juggling my other writing as well, a memoir that I?ve spent too many years talking about and the film scripts that continue to change, stay the same, mature and refine.? Mostly I keep going for the same reason I got started, to challenge the notions of what movie reviews can be and should be, if not always then more times than anything.
Above The Line: Practical Movie Reviews has quite a diverse audience with traffic coming in from all over the place. ?Of course my biggest audience is right here in the good old USA, which makes sense I guess, followed by the United Kingdom, Canada, India and Turkey.? The Philippines, Australia (thanks Rodney, Fernby Films), Germany (Peter), Mexico (GR?), Greece, Hong Kong and Brazil (Pauola?).? Poland, Netherlands, Egypt, Singapore and Hungary all tie, plus Argentina, Sweden, Malaysia, Taiwan and Israel are plenty close.? The Russian Federation sounds so novel, have to throw a shot out to Portugal for all my people, the places I?ve been and need to go; there?s Georgia (not that one) and Serbia, a bunch of others tied for just barely coming by, then Italy of course and France (Pat), New Zealand (is that you?) and way down there, almost not at all, it?s Latvia, Estonia, Moldova, Costa Rica, Bahamas, Puerto Rico and Kyrgyzstan ? and actually, almost a hundred others.? I have to put this birthday back slapping to rest now so I can get on with my next movie review.? Recently it?s been The Hunger Games and the Indie character flick Loosies, the other day it was the late Tony Scott?s The Hunger for old times sake, Days of Thunder with Tom Cruise, the yucky Five Year Engagement that I don?t recommend, and a hapless return to the three-picture atrocities of George Lucas before scurrying around the find something, anything to erase the memory.? Up next is anyone?s guess and most of all my doing.? For now I still rent from a little movie shack down the road, a place for lost souls and cinephiles, everyday people caught between grocery shopping and pharmacy visits and chain store secret shopping trips.
Movies remind us of the magic of escapism and high adventure, of getting away and reminiscing, of the child we are and used to be gathered in the dark for the next go at dreaming and pretending and imagining what dreams may come when last we look up into the sky and ask ourselves where will we go this time? ?I?ll be here, man, because well, the dude abides writing about my high-colored times, low ones too, marveling at the movies and you. ?See you soon.
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PARIS (Reuters) - Jerome Kerviel, the man behind France's biggest rogue-trading scandal, finds out this week whether he is heading to prison or walking free after his last court appeal in a four-year battle against former employer Societe Generale
Former trader Kerviel submitted a final attempt in June to be acquitted and avoid a three-year jail sentence handed down in 2010 for his role in taking huge, risky bets that cost SocGen 4.9 billion euros ($6.4 billion) to unwind and slammed the French bank's reputation.
Wednesday's verdict, barring unexpected legal challenges, will be the final say on a case during which Kerviel, who has kept an impassive front throughout, built a cult following.
While Kerviel has never denied masking the 50 billion euro positions that made headlines around the world as the financial crisis unfolded in early 2008, he has always said his bosses knew what he was doing - which SocGen denies.
The outcome will be closely watched by a financial industry facing other lawsuits over crisis-era behavior. A similar trial is unfolding in London over the role of trader Kweku Adoboli in a $2.3 billion loss at UBS
"These appear to be spectacular cases by virtue of the size of the risks taken by these traders and the danger that they put their banks in," said Emmanuel Moyne, a litigation lawyer at Linklaters in Paris.
"But if you compare it to cases where the amounts involved were much smaller, it is no different to people who simply cheated an internal controls system."
SocGen, which refutes any responsibility for the trades, hopes it will once again be cleared in a saga that has dogged employees and Chief Executive Frederic Oudea since he took over from Daniel Bouton in 2009.
A ruling of responsibility or liability on SocGen's part would probably mean the bank having to repay 1.7 billion euros in tax write-offs relating to the losses. It would also likely get Kerviel off the hook regarding the full, court-ordered repayment of the 4.9 billion euros lost.
Former CEO Bouton testified both this year and in 2010, calling Kerviel a "great deceiver" and saying that the bank's risk managers and back-office staff never stood a chance against the trader's manipulations.
Meanwhile, Kerviel and lawyer David Koubbi have stuck to Kerviel's strategy - which lost him the case in 2010 - of insisting that all blame should be lain at SocGen's door.
With the appeal having uncovered no "smoking gun" against SocGen, it is unlikely that the 35-year-old former trader will win acquittal, lawyers say. The prosecution has called for Kerviel to serve five years in jail.
"The appeals process did not really change the presentation of the facts...I don't see the judge completely overturning the first conviction," said Hubert de Vauplane, a partner at Kramer Levin.
If Kerviel is put behind bars, the verdict will send a strong signal to the financial community - albeit four years after the bets themselves were uncovered.
Rather than prompting banks to tighten their risk controls systems, Kerviel's jail time is more likely act simply as a deterrent to employees and management in the financial sector.
"The heavier the sentences, the more likely it is that traders will take them into account," said de Vauplane. "A final prison sentence would set an example."
(Reporting by Lionel Laurent; Editing by Sophie Walker)
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BAIKONUR, Kazakhstan?? A Russian-made Soyuz rocket was erected into place Sunday, ahead of the start of a mission to take a three-man crew to the International Space Station.
For the first time since 1984, the manned launch will take place from Baikonur cosmodrome launch pad 31, while the pad that is normally used, from which Yury Gagarin began his landmark space mission, is undergoing modernization.
The Soyuz craft remains the only means for international astronauts to reach the space station since the decommissioning of the U.S. Shuttle fleet in 2011.
NASA's Kevin Ford and Russian astronauts Oleg Novitsky and Yevgeny Tarelkin will blast off Tuesday from the Russian-leased facility in southern Kazakhstan and will spend around six months on the orbiting laboratory.
They will join U.S. astronaut Sunita Williams, Russia's Yuri Malenchenko and Aki Hoshide of Japan's JAXA agency.
In accordance with custom, the entrance to the hangar storing the Soyuz craft slid open in the pre-dawn darkness as Russian and U.S. space officials looked on and took photographs.
By the end of the Soyuz's slow, half-hour trip from storage to the launch site resting on its side on a flatbed railway car, the sun had risen to reveal a cloudless sky.
Space news from
Science editor Alan Boyle's blog: Get a good look at the terrain surrounding NASA's Curiosity rover in a place that's known as Mars' "Promised Land."
Over the following hour, the craft was raised into its upright launch position, setting it off starkly against a backdrop of rolling, tinder-dry steppe.
Russia's Roscosmos space agency spokesman Alexei Kuznetsov said launch pad 31 had recently been renovated and already been used for an unmanned mission over the summer.
"Now we need to do similar things at Site No. 1. As soon as that is finished, it will be in a condition to resume launches," he said.
Site No. 1, better known as Gagarin's Start in recognition of the historic 1961 mission, was last overhauled in 1983.
The need for a back-up launch site became particularly acute with the decommissioning of the U.S. shuttle fleet, when Gagarin's Start became the only operating pad available for manned launches to the space station.
The Soyuz's trip will last around two days and end when it docks with the Poisk module in the Russian segment of the ISS.
Ford, Novitsky and Tarelkin are scheduled to remain in orbit until March, covering a busy time at the space station that will include the first ever arrival of "Cygnus," a commercial cargo vehicle from the Orbital Sciences Corp., of Dulles, Virginia, scheduled for December.
Another two commercial SpaceX Dragon craft are also expected over the same period, as are an additional four Russian Progress resupply vehicles.
Of the three men blasting off Tuesday, only Ford has spent any time in orbit. He spent two weeks in space as pilot of the space shuttle Discovery in 2009 on a mission to transport scientific equipment to the ISS.
"They'll be really prepared. Their training has been excellent," said William Gerstenmaier, NASA's associate administrator for space operations, speaking at launch pad 31.
"They have got time to learn on station, so if there are some little rough spots as they get started, they'll be able to accomplish their tasks," he said.
NASA's Tom Marshburn, Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield and Russian cosmonaut Roman Romanenko will join the station in December, taking the place of Williams, Malenchenko and Hoshide, who are due to return to earth next month.
In August, a Russian booster rocket failed to place two communications satellites into target orbits, stranding the Russian Express MD-2 and Indonesia's Telkom-3 satellites in a low orbit where they could not be recovered.
A Russian robotic probe designed to study a moon of Mars got stranded in Earth's orbit after its launch in November and eventually came crashing down in January.
Gerstenmaier said the Russian space agency treated crewed programs differently from other launches.
"The hardware that's chosen for this rocket is better quality hardware than they would use for a satellite or for a different launch because of the criticality of what they're doing," he said.
Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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Kansas State quarterback Collin Klein (7) is brought down near the goal line by West Virginia's Pat Miller, rear, and Karl Joseph (8) during the second quarter of an NCAA college football game in Morgantown, W.Va., Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012. Kansas State won 55-14. (AP Photo/Christopher Jackson)
Kansas State quarterback Collin Klein (7) is brought down near the goal line by West Virginia's Pat Miller, rear, and Karl Joseph (8) during the second quarter of an NCAA college football game in Morgantown, W.Va., Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012. Kansas State won 55-14. (AP Photo/Christopher Jackson)
Kansas State's Tyler Lockett (16) is brought down by West Virginia's Karl Joseph during the second quarter of an NCAA college football game in Morgantown, W.Va., Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012. (AP Photo/Christopher Jackson)
Players from Kansas State, including Keenan Taylor (79), celebrate their victory with fans following an NCAA college football game against West Virginia in Morgantown, W.Va., Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012. Kansas State won 55-14. (AP Photo/Christopher Jackson)
Florida linebacker Jelani Jenkins (3) goes airborne after assisting on a tackle on South Carolina's Kenny Miles (31) during the first half of an NCAA college football game, Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012, in Gainesville, Fla. (AP Photo/John Raoux)
Boise State's Lee Hightower (29) is the first to take the field as Boise State wears black uniforms for an NCAA college football game against UNLV on Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012 in Boise, Idaho. Boise State won 32-7. (AP Photo/Matt Cilley)
Consider this performance an ad campaign for Collin Klein for the Heisman Trophy.
The Kansas State quarterback threw for a career-high 323 yards and three touchdowns and ran for four scores in the No. 4 Wildcats' 55-14 victory over No. 17 West Virginia on Saturday night.
Earlier, No. 3 Florida avenged consecutive losses to South Carolina with a 44-11 drubbing of the No. 9 Gamecocks. The Gators' latest win keeps coach Will Muschamp's team undefeated and on the cusp of the SEC's Eastern Division crown.
In other games Saturday, No. 1 Alabama topped Tennessee 44-13, fifth-ranked Notre Dame rallied past BYU 17-14, No. 6 LSU got past No. 20 Texas A&M 24-19, No. 7 Ohio State came back to beat Purdue 29-22 in overtime, and No. 10 Oklahoma crushed Kansas 52-7.
Here's a gallery of photos from Saturday's games:
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Backers of liquefied natural gas will launch the first major campaign on Monday to press lawmakers to allow the sale of more U.S. gas abroad, as the industry push for exports intensifies.
The effort by the Center for Liquefied Natural Gas will include a new web site and outreach aimed at policymakers and the public, making the case that selling the nation's surplus natural gas to foreign countries will yield significant economic benefits and not drastically raise prices.
"There is a lot of stranded investment waiting to be unleashed in these projects that would pour billions of dollars into local and national economies, if the regulatory process would be freed up and allowed to move forward," Bill Cooper, the head of the LNG trade group, told Reuters.
President Barack Obama and his Republican challenger for the presidency, Mitt Romney, have both lauded the boom in U.S. shale oil and gas production as a critical component of moving the country toward "energy independence."
But, the winner of the November 6 election will have to contend with concerns about how to manage this newfound energy wealth.
While federal law allows exports of natural gas, the Energy Department has to determine whether expanded exports are in the national interest. Only one export terminal has been approved but decisions on about 10 applications have been delayed till a review on the implications of exports is completed.
Critics have argued the nation's vast gas reserves offer a strategic advantage that should be used to bolster U.S. industry, and exporting gas will hurt manufacturers currently experiencing a resurgence due to cheap energy costs.
While the initiative is not directed at influencing the election campaign, the LNG group hopes it will help to combat calls to limit exports and will speed up the stalled permitting process.
"The markets will react faster and impose limitations upon exports more efficiently than a regulator ever could," Cooper said.
Gas drillers contend that the current low natural gas prices are not sustainable and U.S. gas output will curtailed without exports, as production outpaces demand.
While some lawmakers have weighed in on the debate on gas exports, the issue has not necessarily risen to prominence on the campaign trail or in Congress yet, with only one hearing on the topic so far.
Initially, some in Congress seemed reluctant to take a strong position on a matter pitting manufacturers against the oil and gas industry.
Natural gas exports to all but a handful of countries with free trade agreements with the United States require approval from the Energy Department.
After allowing gas exports from one project, Cheniere's
That study, commissioned by the administration to evaluate the potential effects of LNG exports, has been delayed repeatedly and is now expected to be released by the end of the year.
Cooper said the department's delays amount to a de facto moratorium on exports. He said he hopes the new initiative will push the department to issue the study and to move forward on export applications.
(Editing by Marguerita Choy)
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ON BOARD THE USS GEORGE WASHINGTON (AP) ? A U.S. aircraft carrier group cruised through the disputed South China Sea on Saturday in a show of American power in waters that are fast becoming a focal point of Washington's strategic rivalry with Beijing.
Vietnamese security and government officials were flown onto the nuclear-powered USS George Washington ship, underlining the burgeoning military relationship between the former enemies. A small number of journalists were also invited to witness the display of maritime might in the oil-rich waters, which are home to islands disputed between China and the other smaller Asian nations facing the sea.
The visit will likely reassure Vietnam and the Philippines of American support but could annoy China, whose growing economic and naval strength is leading to a greater assertiveness in pressing its claims there. The United States is building closer economic and military alliances with Vietnam and other nations in the region as part of a "pivot" away from the Middle East to Asia, a shift in large part meant to counter rising Chinese influence.
The Vietnamese officials took photos of F-16 fighter jets taking off and landing on the ships 1,000-foot- (305-meter-) long flight deck, met the captain and toured the hulking ship, which has more than 5,000 sailors on board.
The mission came a day after Beijing staged military exercises near islands in the nearby East China Sea it disputes with U.S ally Japan. Those tensions have flared in recent days.
China claims nearly all of the South China Sea, where the U.S. says it has a national interest in ensuring freedom of navigation in an area crossed by vital shipping lanes. Vietnam, the Philippines and several other Asian nations also claim parts of the sea. The disputes attracted little international interest until the late 1990s, when surveys indicated possible large oil reserves. American rivalry with China has given the disputes an extra dimension in recent years.
The U.S. Navy regularly patrols the Asia-Pacific region, conducting joint exercises with its allies and training in the strategic region. The trip by the George Washington off the coast of Vietnam is its third in as many years. A second aircraft carrier, the USS John C. Stennis, has also conducting operations in the western Pacific region recently, according to the U.S. Pacific Fleet.
Capt. Gregory Fenton said the mission was aimed in part at improving relations with Vietnam and ensuring the U.S. had free passage in the South China Sea.
China's military buildup, including the launch of its own carrier last year and rapid development of ballistic missiles and cyber warfare capabilities, could potentially crimp the U.S. forces' freedom to operate in the waters. The United States doesn't publicly take sides in the territorial disputes among China and its neighbors.
"It is our goal to see the region's nations figure out these tensions ... on their own, our role of that to date is to conduct freedom of navigation exercises within international waters," Fenton said in an interview on the bridge.
Although claimant countries have pledged to settle the territorial rifts peacefully, the disputes have erupted in violence in the past, including in 1988 when China and Vietnam clashed in the Spratly Islands in a confrontation that killed 64 Vietnamese soldiers. Many fear the disputes could become Asia's next flash point for armed conflict.
Vietnam is pleased to accept help from its one-time foe America as a hedge against its giant neighbor China, with which it also tries to maintain good relations.
Still, the Hanoi government reacted angrily to recent moves by Beijing to establish a garrison on one of the Paracel islands, which Vietnam claims. The United States also criticized the move by Beijing, earning it a rebuke from the government there.
"China will take this (cruise) as another expression by the United States of its desire to maintain regional domination," said Denny Roy, a senior fellow at the East-West Center in Hawaii. "The U.S also wants to send a message to the region that it is here for the long haul ... and that it wants to back up international law."
While most analysts believe military confrontation in the waters is highly unlikely anytime soon, they say tensions are likely to increase as China continues pressing its claims and building its navy.
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BRUSSELS (AP) ? The European Union on Friday mediated the first official talks between the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo, the bitter Balkan rivals, and the Serbian prime minister said he is ready for a "historic compromise."
EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton said she first met separately with Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic and Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, then chaired a joint meeting. We "will meet again soon ... to improve the lives of people and help solve problems and, in so doing, bring Serbia and Kosovo closer to the European Union," Ashton said.
Kosovo, which is predominantly ethnic Albanian, declared independence from Serbia in 2008. Serbia has said it will never recognize the independence of its former province, which it considers the cradle of its statehood and Christian Orthodox religion.
Serbia spent much of the 1990s ostracized and isolated from the EU after Serbian autocrat Slobodan Milosevic started wars in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo. In 1999, NATO bombed Serbia to stop the war in Kosovo, forcing Serbia to relinquish control there.
Today, the EU is setting the normalization of relations with Kosovo as the main condition for continuing Serbia's membership negotiations with the bloc. But Kosovo's Serb-populated north has remained a flashpoint of the troubles in the Balkans because hardline Serbs there do not acknowledge the authority of Kosovo's central government.
"We believe the time has come to reach a historic compromise," Dacic said after Friday's meeting. "We are ready for talks, even about the final status of Kosovo."
But he also said the talks should not "result in a one-sided recognition of Kosovo's independence."
"We are ready to talk about the position of the Serbian people (in Kosovo), protection of church heritage, war crimes, organ trafficking, the missing, Serb property and the return of refugees to Kosovo," Dacic said.
A statement from Thaci's office said the meeting will clear the path for the two countries to eventually join the EU, and "serve peace and stability in the region."
Kosovo authorities welcomed the meeting.
"It is very good that (the) very first high-level meeting between the prime minister of the republic of Kosovo and the republic of Serbia was held on equal basis," Arber Vllahiu, the spokesman for Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga told The Associated Press.
Ashton said she firmly believes the dialogue is in the interest of both sides.
Dacic said the next meeting between the two prime ministers is scheduled in November.
Dusan Stojanovic and Jovana Gec contributed from Belgrade, Serbia, and Nebi Qena from Pristina, Kosovo.
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TOKYO (AP) ? The commander of U.S. forces in Japan apologized Friday for a case in which two American sailors allegedly raped a woman in Okinawa and said all U.S. military personnel in the country will now be subject to a curfew and other restrictions.
A statement released by U.S. Forces Japan says the 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew will apply to U.S. military personnel whether they are stationed in Japan or just visiting. It requires them to be in their homes, on base or wherever they are lodging.
Lt. Gen. Salvatore Angelella said U.S. military members in Japan also will have to take "core values training." The military's liberty policy is also under review.
Japan's defense minister, Satoshi Morimoto, told reporters earlier Friday that he was instructed by Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, "to fully discuss the matter with the U.S. side and come up with measures to eradicate the problem so that crimes like this are never repeated again."
The two sailors were in Okinawa on a brief stopover and are now in Japanese custody. According to Japanese media, they had been drinking before they attacked the woman, in her 20s, who was on her way home before dawn Tuesday.
The case has drawn protests from the Japanese government and an outcry on Okinawa, where the presence of U.S. military has long been a sore point. The island hosts more than half the 47,000 U.S. troops in Japan.
"I want to personally apologize for the grief and trauma the victim has endured and the anger it has caused among the people of Okinawa," Angelella told reporters.
Angelella said American military personnel are "held to a higher standard."
Both he and U.S. Ambassador to Japan John V. Roos said the U.S. will cooperate in the Okinawan police investigation. Roos said the U.S. government viewed the situation with "utmost seriousness."
"We will put forward every effort to make sure that incidents like this do not happen," Roos said.
The Naval Criminal Investigative Service has begun its own investigation, although Japan has primary jurisdiction.
Seaman Christopher Browning of Athens, Texas, and Petty Officer 3rd Class Skyler Dozierwalker of Muskogee, Okla., were arrested Tuesday. Both are 23, joined the military in 2008 and are assigned to Joint Naval Air Station, Fort Worth, Texas.
The latest case has inflamed chronic tensions between the U.S. military and Okinawa over base-related crimes and other issues. Okinawans also have been protesting plans to deploy the Marine Corps' MV-22 Osprey to a base there because of safety concerns.
Local opposition to the U.S. bases over noise, safety concerns and crime flared into mass protests after the 1995 rape of a schoolgirl by three American servicemen. That outcry eventually led to an agreement to close a major Marine airfield, but that plan has stalled for more than a decade over where a replacement facility should be located.
Associated Press writer Mari Yamaguchi contributed to this report.
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NEW YORK (Reuters) - A New York judge has banned up to 2,000 skateboarders from racing down a bustling stretch of Broadway after city officials said the unauthorized event known as "The Broadway Bomb" was a danger to pedestrians and motorists.
For a decade, skateboarders from around the world have barreled down an eight-mile section of the landmark Manhattan street, dodging traffic and people, as part of the annual daredevil race.
This year, they will have to defy a court order, and risk arrest to participate.
Acting Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Geoffrey Wright on Thursday issued a temporary restraining order banning skateboarders from riding in the race, scheduled to start Saturday at noon in upper Manhattan. He said they would be subject to arrest if they defied the order.
The ban was requested by city officials, who argued the event required a police permit to proceed because it involves more than 50 people on a public roadway. The city claimed nearly 1,800 people were registered. A Facebook page for the event listed close to 2,000 participants as of Friday morning.
"Lawless unauthorized Broadway Bomb races cause problems for vehicular traffic stoppages, safety issues for pedestrians and has resulted in accidents," the city's court papers said.
Ian Nichols, the race's organizer, said in a phone interview Friday that he would abide by the court order and cancel the event on the Broadway Bomb website. But he said he could not predict whether some racers would choose to show up anyway.
"People come from around the world to skate in this," he said. "For many people, it's the highlight of their life. They may try to do something."
A message on the Facebook page indicated that some participants planned to show up anyway, despite the expected police presence.
Nichols said he would try to work with city officials to create a sanctioned event for the skaters in the future.
"We've known for a number of years that this couldn't go on forever," he said.
(Reporting by Joseph Ax; editing by Andrew Hay)
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Everyday at 1 pm PST/ 4pm EST Budget Savvy Diva posts a NEW RECIPE I might miss this time every now or then ? but I know you understand
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What To Do
3 tablespoon(s) panko breadcrumbs
1 teaspoon(s) extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 teaspoon(s) paprika
1 package(s) (110-ounce) frozen spinach, thawed
1 3/4 cup(s) 2% milk
3 tablespoon(s) all-purpose flour
2 cup(s) grated extra-sharp Cheddar cheese
1 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon of Freshly ground pepper
1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder
Pinch of cayenne pepper
8 ounce pasta ? round pasta ( any style you like)
What to Do
Preheat the oven to 450
Boil a large pot of water and cook pasta. Make sure not to completely cook and drain the pasta since it will continue to cook in the cheese sauce.
In a small bowl mix, breadcrumbs, oil, cayenne pepper, and paprika? and mix.
Cook spinach according to package directions ? press out excess water.
In a large saucepan ? heat 1.5 cups of milk. In a small bowl whisk 1/4 cup milk and flour in a small bowl. Add to the hot milk ? keep mixing till sauce thickens. Remove from heat and stir in cheddar till melted. Add cottage cheese, nutmeg, garlic powder, salt, and pepper.
Add pasta to cheese sauce. In a casserole dish add 1/2 pasta and cheese. Spoon spinach on top. Top with the remaining pasta and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
Bake uncovered for 25 minutes.
Spectacular Mac and Cheese Recipe |
Serves: 4 -6
Recipe is adapted from HERE
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