Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A rp idea...

Okay so I had an idea for a roleplay and I thought I would do an interest check. I have created roleplays on other sites but never on rpg.

In a victorian-ish fantasy world (airships and stuff but no cell phones or cars) there is a murder of a very wealthy and well known business man. The roleplay would focus around the detective, his assistant and the group of suspects. Unfortunately everyone, even the detective themselves could be possible suspects. The group kind of get together with the detective kind of in the lead (since it would be their area of expertise) to prove each ones innocence to the police and the public. Yet one of them IS guilty. While trying to prove themselves innocent with the help of the group each person will look at the others and wonder 'did YOU do it?' Eventually the case must be solved while keeping your suspicions close to your heart, only sharing them with someone you absolutely trust. People find friends, some could fall in love, and enemies could be made. All while tensions rise inside the mansion of the deceased that the group has been house arrested in.

Basically a who dunnit rp. The end would be the finding of the murderer. It would have a few suspects that are story important to be played, and then a couple slots open for other characters who might not be suspects, or could be but aren't story important. These people would be the few that could die from finding out secrets etc. Everyone could have up to two characters.

Thoughts? Like? Dislike?

legionnaires disease underwear bomber randy travis unclaimed money godspell media matters hana

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